About Our Foundation
The Foundation
The Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation is a 501c (3) non-profit organization founded in 2012. Originally a Department of Health and Human Services grant, today we are 100% funded by private donations which means we need your help to serve those in our Lake, McHenry and Southern Kenosha County Communities who have served, sacrificed, and continue to struggle emotionally, financially and vocationally.
Financial Disclosure: Click here for the latest filed 990.
Our Mission
Our mission is to connect Service Members and their families with each other and to the resources and benefits they earned and deserve, free and confidentially regardless of discharge status. Through our professionally trained Veteran Peer Specialists, we provide “help from those who’ve been there” for support services, counseling, program resources, and a sense of hope and purpose.
Our Guiding Principles
Peer support is an essential component for our success. Those who have been there are the ones who can truly understand and guide someone through recovery from the impact of their military experiences.
Community support is not bound by legal or traditional military restrictions. When issues emerge that affect our target consumer, we will engage all those affected.
We believe that employment and volunteer work are significant contributors to an improved feeling of worthiness and normalcy for our target consumer. Our focus is to develop these principles of connection in our community for veterans and their families.
Our primary goal prior to, during, and after deployment is to keep families intact, engaged, and flourishing. We acknowledge support persons as a part of the family to be included in the process.
All interventions will be confidential, and any discussion or dissemination of information associated with the interaction of our programs or partners will be consumer-controlled.
Our support of programs that thwart suicide and homelessness is grounded in the value of developing the individual’s hope that things can get and stay better.
We will support programs that recruit, train, and certify the next generation of trauma-informed providers of our transformational care.

Latest News

NAMI Homefront
What is the NAMI Homefront Education Program? NAMI Homefront is a free, six-session class for families, caregivers and friends of Military Service Members and Veterans.

Remembering Paul Baffico
https://lcvetsfoundation.mango-wp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/pbvid7.mp4 Paul A. Baffico: LCVFSF Founder and President Passed Away We are saddened to announce the passing of our esteemed leader, friend, and advocate Paul

A Purple Heart Day Picnic
A Purple Heart Day Picnic for VPH and LCVFSF The combined staff of Veterans Path to Hope and Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation

Route Change RuckUp23
Route Change to RuckUp23 ATTENTION!!!! ATTENTION!!!!! ATTENTION!!!! Due to road construction, we have made a route change to our RuckUp23 route. See the attached map.

Veteran Shares History with Students
Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation Veteran Shares Personal History with Students May 15, 2023, Lindenhurst, IL. Millburn Middle School eighth-grade social studies teacher

Serving Illinois Area Veterans
Laura Franz and Paul Baffico Represent Two Organizations Serving Area Veterans and their Loved Ones Pictured at the recent Daughters of American Revolution Annual meeting,