Care Teams
Care Community
Connect Veterans with each other and with the resources they earned and deserve through a bond of trust and efficacy.
We foster a community of care for serving the needs of Lake County Veterans and Families.
A community is only as strong as those who build it, and we need your help in the form of funding and volunteer services in order to sustain our objectives which are:
- Connect Veterans with each other and the resources they need and deserve through a bond of trust.
- Reduce the time it takes for a warrior to ask for help.
- Provide 100% free and confidential services to Military, Veterans, Service Members, and their Families with service-related issues through a strong peer support network.
- Educate and counsel families supporting Veterans or Service Members through trauma-informed care.
- Raise competency in trauma-informed care.
- Reduce Veteran hospitalizations.
- Provide a safe environment for those in need to reduce the stigma associated with their needs.
Care Resource Areas
- Post-traumatic Stress
- Domestic Violence
- Children’s Emotional Issues
- Legal Issues
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Substance Abuse
- Mood Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Anxiety, Hopelessness
- Adjustment related to Deployment, Re-Deployment, Discharge or Reintegration
- Grief
- Education, Employment, and Vocational Support
- Financial Support
- Housing/Homelessness

Latest News

NAMI Homefront
What is the NAMI Homefront Education Program? NAMI Homefront is a free, six-session class for families, caregivers and friends of Military Service Members and Veterans.

Remembering Paul Baffico Paul A. Baffico: LCVFSF Founder and President Passed Away We are saddened to announce the passing of our esteemed leader, friend, and advocate Paul

A Purple Heart Day Picnic
A Purple Heart Day Picnic for VPH and LCVFSF The combined staff of Veterans Path to Hope and Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation

Route Change RuckUp23
Route Change to RuckUp23 ATTENTION!!!! ATTENTION!!!!! ATTENTION!!!! Due to road construction, we have made a route change to our RuckUp23 route. See the attached map.

Veteran Shares History with Students
Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation Veteran Shares Personal History with Students May 15, 2023, Lindenhurst, IL. Millburn Middle School eighth-grade social studies teacher

Serving Illinois Area Veterans
Laura Franz and Paul Baffico Represent Two Organizations Serving Area Veterans and their Loved Ones Pictured at the recent Daughters of American Revolution Annual meeting,